Political Incorrectness for Father’s Day
If you admit that men should be permitted to be men, at least on one day of the year, we suggest a late lie-in for the head of the household and a politically incorrect gift: a volume of humorous verse by the charmingly callous Harry Graham. ‘Though many men have made their mark By rising daily with the lark, ’Tis not a plan I recommend,’ he assures us. To ease any unease you may feel at encouraging bad habits, we are offering you 50 per cent off.
Wonderfully Incorrect
So here’s what you get if you buy a copy of When Grandmama Fell Off The Boat at our special Father’s Day price. You’ll have a father ‘Content in slumber to recline Till half-past eight or even nine’. You’ll also be regaled with period attitudes:
‘Then let a stealthy menial creep
Within the chamber where you sleep,
In silence draw the blind half up
And at your elbow place a cup
Of tea, with buttered bread to suit,
Or, if you should prefer it, fruit.’
To help you entertain and delight your unreconstructed male, we are offering a 50% discount on When Grandmama Fell Off The Boat: The Best of Harry Graham until the end of June, 2012. Just ring 01752 202301 and quote the promotional code HG0612 or enter it when you buy the book on our web-site. Post and packing is free.
Gift Ideas, Harry Graham, Promotions, When Grandmama Fell Off The Boat