Second in the Ruthless Rhyme Competition
Aunt thought she’d make a contribution
to uncle’s New Year resolution.
She put his bottles out of reach
amongst the polish, soap and bleach.
How on earth could she have guessed
that in his alcoholic quest,
without his specs his sight was dim.
It was the bleach which finished him.
After Harry Graham’s Ruthless Rhymes
About the Author
Rosemary McDougall grew up in Edinburgh and became a writer of stories, plays and poetry. She is also a painter and sculptor. She has worked in PR and fund-raising, served as a town councillor and has stood as a candidate for the Scottish Parliament.
Rosemary had always written, but being self employed with children and a mortgage, she did not become a full-time author until a few years ago. ‘I’m afraid I can churn out verse ad nauseam,’ she says, ‘and as a revolting child drove my friends mad by doing this for hours.’ The Ruthless Rhyme award is the third prize she has won for poetry.
She has just finished re-writing Kidnapped and Treasure Island in language suitable for 10- to 12-year-olds. Last year she published a children’s story, Leckie McKay and the Sleeping Princess, through the Book Guild. Before that she self-published a collection of poems, Tears and Laughter, and gave readings at the Edinburgh Festival. She has also written some traditional Scottish songs and scripts for plays and pantomimes. She still paints and sculpts, though not so much as in the past, as she finds writing more fulfilling.
Currently Rosemary is looking for an agent for Kidnapped and a rhyming story, Augustus Cat. Her next project is re-writing a couple of Rider Haggard adventures.