Now You Can Mow in Comfort
You can also dance with robots, date by slot machine and boil an egg straight from the chicken, thanks to Heath Robinson. Helpful devices to do all these things are now on view in the big new book we publish today, Very Heath Robinson. The author is Adam Hart-Davis, presenter of What the Romans Did for Us, and Philip Pullman has written the Foreword.
Hart-Davis has a flair for writing succinctly. He can tell you the history of the Industrial Revolution in three sentences, and does so. With snappy dexterity he explains the technical and social background out of which Heath Robinson’s pictures grew and weaves art and history into a gripping yarn. You can read more about his approach to the subject in the book description.
The Foreword by Philip Pullman was originally written to support the building of the Heath Robinson Museum, now triumphantly open in Pinner, North London, and perfectly captures the delight to be had from looking at Heath Robinson drawings. Follow these links for more about Philip Pullman and the Grand Opening of the Heath Robinson Museum. Details of what’s on can be found here:
The book has taken four years to research, write and design. Enormous effort and expense has been lavished on the reproduction of the pictures, and it has taken a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign to get it finished and printed. If you would like a copy, you can buy it from our new web-site, also launched today. Just go to the book description and click Add to basket. To make things simple you can pay by PayPal and we will send you the book post and packing free (that’s quite an offer for a book weighing 1.9 kg!).
Adam Hart-Davis, Heath Robinson, History and Art, Philip Pullman, Very Heath Robinson